Florist's Choice



Unsure of which floral arrangement to send? Let our qualified florists make up a gorgeous bouquet of flowers using a selection of market-fresh seasonal blooms and fresh greenery. The size of the bouquet will depend on the value selected. If you have any questions about our bouquets, please don't hesitate to contact us.

All our flower arrangements are made fresh to order and come with a complimentary gift card. This arrangement is supplied with a sachet of flower food to help prolong the life of the flowers. Once a product has been added, a message can be entered on the cart page prior to checkout.

The fresh flowers used in each Florist's Choice bouquet will vary depending on season. The photos on this page highlight some of the flowers used in previous Florist Choice bouquets.

Due to the delicate nature of flower arrangements, we are unable to send flowers outside the Wellington region. We can deliver flowers as far as Waikanae, Paraparaumu, Porirua, Wainuiomata and Upper Hutt.

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Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.

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